Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Draxxonian Progress

So here's my February #1GAM project, at around the halfway point.

It is a top down space shooter, inspired by Bosconian. 

Current Build Download (Windows)

For anyone interested, here's my Trello workflow, kind of SCRUM like but not quite so formal.  Just trying to break stuff into small tasks I can do in an hour or so and get something that is objectively a game before I dive deep into anything.

Trello Board for Draxxonian

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Late to the One Game a Month Party

In my usual lack of style, I'm far behind the bandwagon on this One Game a Month business.  The basic premise is what is says on the tin, produce one complete playable game per calendar month.

So the crowning glory of this is to do the "12 in 12", one game a month for one year, or the perhaps less catch OGAMFOY.  As I'm slow on the uptake and missed the first month I can only do a OGAMFEM, which I actually like  the sound of a little better.

I'll throw my hat into the ring, lay down the gauntlet, and do whatever other kind of thing it is that people do when they start a challenge.

So how do we do this?  I imagine we start with an extremely simple concept, a good definition of done, and just sling code at it until it is playable.  Maybe make sure there's a basic gameplay loop, and just refine that until it is fun.  Make a second loop to tie together some progression of some kind, be it levels or waves or puzzles.  Then get it some title screens and end state.

Anyone out there participate in One Game a Month?  Any have any advice on how to get the Twelver?

More Draxxonian, One Game every Three Months?

So, it didn't quite work out as we'd planned! But I did learn some things: 1.  A core game loop is really the bare bones you need...